Friday, July 5, 2013

Lost in touch:

Staying at Dhawalwadi I have realized how much we have lost in touch with nature. I thought nature is beautiful, and I guess most people think so….. but nature is annoying too.
 I always loved Koyel’s sound unless recently. In this month of July, there is a koyel who sits on the mango tree near my window and starts calling his mates early in the dawn. The intensity of his call is so high that is pierces through the ears into the brain. And all I want is to catch his neck and through him away.
I thought peacock is one of the most beautiful creature but have u ever heard his ‘Maoing’ ?? He is the ugliest of all -to a blind man for sure , I think even a crow sounds better than a peacock!  Throughout the month of April-May they have disturbed us in the quiet afternoon and late nights and as it have started raining…. Their maoing has become nonstop. But they are a part of nature too just as we are.
We have become so mechanical that if something disturbs us we want to get rid of it. It’s always our way. Ban on a loud speaker and stop someone’s enjoyment because that’s disturbing us, that’s what we learn in cities. But nature teaches us to cooperate, bare certain things. Nature teaches us it’s not just our ways, there are others too.
One day a bunch of quarrelling birds were making some horrible noise and I was wondering why all birds don’t sound melodious. But then it occurred to me nature has not promised us only beauty as in the dancing of peacock and mild music of singing birds. Nature has not only promised us cute puppies and kittens, it has promised us harsh maoing of peacocks, barking of wild dogs, dangerous snakes, slimy frogs, scary lizards and annoying monkeys as well. We need to tune with nature and be a part of it.
We like caging beauty and can’t accept that what is beautiful could be annoying and cruel too, just as we are.

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