First of all, I am a big fan of aunty acid.
Whenever I open my Facebook page, I always find at least one aunty acid post and somehow I even relate to most of them. For example....

Whenever I open my Facebook page, I always find at least one aunty acid post and somehow I even relate to most of them. For example....

These are the things just happens to you and there you find someone with the same problem or thought...... (she is not even the sexy miss popular!! she is ordinary and Popular!!!!)
And thanks to the social media - you can put up anything in the air and you know who sees it. So when someone comments on your freaking indicator and girls cant drive 'coz they don't know their turn signals right, you can find aunty has a solution....
Then again, if someone ignores you too much...... aunty has the way with words!!
'Terms & Conditions'
Have you bunked gym.....
Had an argument with someone?? you are upset and then there you go aunty feeling just like you!!
I was wondering why aunty acid has become so popular, the reason being - she is so bold. So when aunty can do the talking in good humor let her speak...
So one fine day, I just had to know everything about it. So I asked DADDY (Google) all about aunty acid. Here is what I found -
Aunty Acid is owned by a character creation studio The Backland Studio which is in Liverpool, England. Ged Backland, the Managing Director of The Backland Studio Company, created this aunty's character.
Hats off to the team of aunty acid for the character, wit and everything else.
To Find more on aunty acid-
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