Friday, January 30, 2015

just random thoughts.....

Its been a long time, I have jotted down my thoughts. Somehow I have got so busy in this day to day routine that everything else has taken a second seat. And what for??Am I happy?? I don't know. I like writing meaning less things as if I am talking to an unknown soul. Then,painting!! But I have taken no initiative to practice my hobby. In fact it was a top priority in my new year resolution list. WTF??
Its been a meaning less effort to keep up with a smiling face when I am so bothered. I want to be just myself. Loud and bold and happy and fearless. 

People..... it is a very important factor in your life. What kind of people you are surrounded with. Because its people who make you happy... its people who make you sad and its people who bother you and push you into a hell of thoughts when you want to be free from them.
A kind word can make you happy and a smiling face can brighten your day. And an encouraging statement can make you go that extra mile.

Oh.... the other day, when I opened my window. A splash of cool breeze snapped me out of my thoughts!! A formless and shapeless beauty touched my soul, blew my hair from my face and made me dance with joy! I realized why so many poets and writers are inspired by this formless beauty.

Do I think too much?? My friends say so. But why my head is always bouncing with thoughts?? Why quietening it such a tough thing?? 


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