Dear God,
I love your world. The way you have
created is more dear to me, than the way we have modified it. Yet, that's also
a part of your creation, as you have blessed us with the brains which holds the
power to CREATE, MODIFY and DELETE your own creation.
With every year, its said that human
race is advancing. Well, I wonder!! Not that I doubt, but the world that is
left behind by time and the world that is yet to come is beyond my thoughts.
HISTORY says civilization existed. Our
religion says that YOU lived in this world many many years ago. I believe, you
lived in this world before you decided to become formless and invisible to our
Now we have created you through IDOLS.
We have given you forms and we believe you reside inside those forms. But
sometimes, I feel, those forms are so useless because I don’t see you through
Forgive me if I am suppose to!
But I see you. When there is a thunder -the sky has
floating black clouds and then a lightening strikes, I see you there! When I read molecular biology, the
structure of biological molecule and their functions, I see you there! When I see a man helping another one
without any reason, I see you
there! When I see a bird
jumping from one tree to another, feeding her babies, I see you there!
I see you in
every miracle. I see you when our strength of body and mind gives up and yet
something makes us hold on. I see you in the temple, mosque, and churches
and in all religious places but not inside the idol or inside the Father,
Priest or Brahmin but inside the eyes of those devotees
who comes there to pray and believe you exist.
Why do you
wish to be invisible though?!! And such are many questions. And the answers to
these questions are many. Funny enough, people even fight over the answers.
Yet I would
wish you keep your secrecy. That way we all can have our imaginations at work.
Sometimes I
believe you are like an Old man, wise and with long white hair some what like
‘Gandolf ’. And sometimes I believe you are an ageless worrier with perfect
muscles and blue hue. Yet at other time I believe you are a spirit, formless,
ageless, shapeless and colorless. But I like the variation in my imaginations;
it fits in with my changing moods.
Great imagination!